Join us for MIDWEEK as we offer something for EVERYONE. Listed below are all of the things happening on Wednesday Nights this semester, so make plans to join us and register for a class below!
Get ready for a time just for kids to worship together.
Every Wednesday night 6:00 -7:30 pm, we will have a special time just for kids like you! We'll sing fun songs, hear truthful Bible stories and play awesome games. You'll get to learn about God's love and make new friends in a small and large group setting. It's a perfect way to recharge in the middle of your week!
Two years and under will play with friends in childcare and be cared for by loving adults. Three through Pre-K will meet in the Preschool Area for W.O.W. Those in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade will be upstairs in the Kidz area for W.O.W.
A Time for Students to Worship and Grow Deep in God’s Word.
Connexcion will be a special time each week on Wednesday night from 6-7:30pm where students will connect with God and others through song, prayer, teaching, and group discussion. You’ll get to learn essential Biblical truths that mark disciples of Christ and root your faith in the Gospel. You’ll have opportunities to fellowship, serve, and share the love of Christ through outreach. Come connect with God and others at midweek to build your faith.
Ladies Bible Study:
Cindy Mickan & Rylee Iorio- Ladies Bible Study [8 Sessions] [Jan. 15th - Mar. 5th]
Study Description:
Christians talk a lot about grace – but what is it, really? Does God give it to everyone? And if so, what difference does it make in our lives? In this eight-part series, Sidhara Udalagama invites you to explore and embrace the astonishing, counterintuitive, transformational power of God’s grace, and so make your life count for Jesus.
Schedule Outline:
Week 1 - "What is Grace?"
Week 2 - "How Does God See Me?"
Week 3 - "Motivated by Guilt or Grace?"
Week 4 - "Can I Really Change?"
Week 5 - "Is My Fear Unhealthy?"
Week 6 - "What is my Purpose?"
Week 7 - "How Can I Make My Life Count?"
Week 8 - "Why Do I Need Other People?"
Adult Coed Bible Study:
Teacher - Derick Mickan / Starts Jan. 15th - Mar. 5th / 8-Week Study
Study Description:
What we think about Jesus matters. Our perception of Him shapes us—what we say, how we treat others, even what we think. If we paint Jesus as any less than who He is as supreme over all creation and savior of the world, not only does our theology slip, but the working out of our faith also suffers.
In this 8-session series, Louie Giglio will take us through the book of Colossians to help us form a complete picture of Jesus. What we believe about Him influences everything from our corporate worship to our relationships to our attitude toward sin. Now alive in Christ, we can live a life worthy of God instead of falling back into the ways of the world.
Schedule Outline:
Week 1 - Colossians 1:1-14
Week 2 - Colossians 1:15-23
Week 3 - Colossians 1:24 - 2:5
Week 4 - Colossians 2:6-15
Week 5 - Colossians 2:16-23
Week 6 - Colossians 3:1-17
Week 7 - Colossians 3:18 - 4:1
Week 8 - Colossians 4:2-18
Adult Coed Bible Study:
Teacher - Pastor Jonathan Peters / Jan. 15th - Mar. 5th / 8 - Week Study
Study Description: Peter Scazzero learned the hard way: you can't be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature. Even though he was the pastor of a growing church, he did what most people do--avoid conflict in the name of Christianity; ignore his anger, sadness, and fear; use God to run from God; and live without boundaries.
Eventually God awakened him to a biblical integration of emotional health and the spiritual practice of slowing down and quieting your life for to experience a firsthand relationship with Jesus. It created nothing short of a spiritual revolution in Scazzero, in his church, and now in thousands of other churches.
In this updated edition, Scazzero shares new stories and principles as he outlines his journey and the signs of emotionally unhealthy spirituality. Then he provides seven biblical, reality-tested steps to become emotionally mature:
-Become your authentic self
-Break the power of the past
-Let go of power and control
-Surrender to your limits
-Stop to breathe by practicing rest and Sabbath
-Learn new skills to love well
-Love Christ above all else
Link to purchase book: